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Helpful Information for Hirers

Address: - Chilbolton Village Hall, Eastman’s Field, Chilbolton, Hampshire, SO20 6AT


Painter Hall Dimensions: - Floor space available taking into account the heaters and stage –

Approx. 302” wide x 610” long  - 1250sq ft.

(A more detailed layout, ie showing where windows, heaters and doors are, is available on request)


Tables: 10 Small (35 ¾ “ long x 30” wide x 27 ½” high) - (Kept in Durnford room)

             14 Large (71 ¾” long x 30” wide x 27 ½” high) – (Kept in main back store room)


Chairs: - 120 – (majority kept in back store room, 20 are kept in the smaller Durnford Room)


We do not offer a tablecloth hire service.


Crockery: -    Approx. 100 each of Tea Cups, Saucers, 10” plates, 6.5” plates and 6” Oatmeal bowls

Approx. 12 x 12” Oval plates, 18 x unhandled soup bowls, 12 x ½ pint jugs, 12 x Rectangular bake dish and 12 x Lasagne dish

Approx. 24 x table spoons, 100 each of table knife, fork, dessert knife, dessert spoon and tea spoon (bead)

24 x 1oz Salt/Pepper pots

Approx. 12 x 56oz Tea Pots and milk jugs

Approx. 6 x 5oz sugar bowls


Other Crockery: -    Approx. 50 x cups and saucers

                              72 x tea spoons (plain)

(Available without China Cupboard key)


Glasses: - 90 Wine Glasses (available without China Cupboard key)


Hiring in Equipment/Items: If you have a catering company coming in with their own items, please ensure these are dropped off and collected within your hiring times, unless previously agreed with the booking secretary. Failure to do so may result in further charges. Your hiring times need to include any time needed by caters and hiring companies


Kitchen Equipment: Double Oven Gas Cooker and hob

                                        Hot Cupboard


                                        Fridge/Table top freezer



                                        Boiling Water on tap


BBQ’s and Candles:- There are to be NO candles within the building or grounds. Permission must be sought and given for a BBQ or Hog roast on the patio.


Awning:  There is an awning that can be used during the summer months, the remote control for this is to be requested before your event. This awning can only be used in good weather and not rain.


Stage: - The main stage is available to hirers, at a cost of £25.  Prior notification is required and dependant on the availability of 2 committee members to lower and raise the stage.  However, there is block staging available at no extra charge, the hirer is responsible for the setting up and putting away of this stage.


Facilities: There are male and female toilets located in the hallway. There is also a disabled toilet with a fold down wall mounted baby change table. Located in the disabled toilet is also a shower cubicle.


Rubbish:- All hirers to clear their rubbish from the hall and take home with them please.


Cleaning: - Please ensure that all floors are swept and kitchen surfaces and all tables that are used are wiped down and clean before leaving. There is a scissor broom and brushes kept in back store room. Hoover is kept in the cupboard in the Durnford Room. There are mops and buckets in the kitchen.


Cleaning materials: - Dishcloths, Tea towels and washing up liquid are available; however it is a good idea to bring your own.


Electric: - Please ensure that the master electric switch is OFF before you leave the building.


Return of Keys: - Please return all keys to whom you collected them from as soon as possible after your event, unless otherwise arranged with the booking secretary.


Heating and Hot Water:-  Please request for heating and hot water to be turned on before your event. You do not need the hot water on if you are using the dishwasher.


Wifi Code: The Village hall benefits from the use of Wifi for hirers. The code is ds76yfry


Microphones: The village hall has available 2 plug in wall microphones and 1 roaming radio microphone. The radio microphone used batteries, if you find that the battery runs out there are spares in the box, however please do write in the defects folder (located in kitchen) that you used a new battery.


Oven and Dishwasher: Instructions on how to use these item are located on top of them, please leave them in a clean condition on leaving the hall.


Lost Property: There is a lost property box located in the kitchen, any items left behind after an hirer will be placed in here and you will need to contact the booking secretary to arrange collection.


Fire Exits and First Aid: There are first aid boxes located in the kitchen and there are clearly signed fire exits and extinguishers throughout the building.


Caterers or Hire Companies: Please ensure that if you are using caterers or hired items to be           delivered to the hall that they are aware and happy with the times that you have booked the hall from and till. They will not be allowed access before or after these hire times to deliver/collect goods. If this is needed an extra charge should be incurred and needs to be discussed with the    booking secretary

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