Standard Conditions of Hire
The following are the Hall's Standard Conditions of Hire.
Chilbolton Village Hall is a registered charity managed by a Board of Trustees. Hirer means the individual which shall have made the application to hire some or all of the Premises (if more than one, each of them) or, where the Hirer is an organization, the representative of that organization, Attendee means the Hirer and any person allowed to be on any of the Premises by the Hirer and Premises includes all of the village hall, the outside and parking areas used or available for use in connection with the hiring and all fixtures, fittings, equipment and contents on such Premises. If the Hirer is unsure as to the meaning of any the following or whether any particular use is permitted during the hire period, the Booking Secretary should be asked before the hire period begins. Use of any of the Premises by the Hirer denotes that they have read and agree to comply with all these conditions.
1.Supervision The Hirer will, during the hiring, be responsible for: the supervision of the Premises, its care, use and the prevention of damage or alteration to, or removal of any contents or equipment from, the Premises; the behaviour of all persons using the Premises whatever their capacity; the supervision of car parking to avoid obstruction of any roadway, and ensuring the car park is only used for the parking of vehicles in an orderly fashion and not an extension of activities indoors; and also ensuring that all these conditions are fully complied with..
2.Use of Premises The Hirer shall not use or tolerate the use of any of the Premises for any purpose other than as described in the hiring agreement (which purposes the Hirer agrees have been fully disclosed to the Booking Secretary at the time of the booking), any unlawful use or activity or the doing or bringing on to the Premises of anything which may endanger any of the Premises or any person or render invalid any insurance policy. In the event the Hirer has not hired all of the Premises, no Attendee shall prevent or hinder the use of other parts of the Premises by other lawful users.The heating will be programmed for the hire. The Hirer should notify the Booking Secretary in advance if the indoors of the Premises needs to be particularly warm or cold. The Hirer is not permitted to adjust the heating from any of the radiators without prior permission from the Booking Secretary, other than to switch individual radiators off if desired. If switched off it they must be switched on again at the end of the hire period. There is no air conditioning at the Premises. It is not permitted that any pin, nail, hook, Sellotape or other adhesive substance is to be used on any wall, floor or other surface at the Premises, without the prior written consent of the Booking Secretary.
3.Use of the Village Hall’s sound equipment, screens and staging If the Hirer wishes to use any of the Village Hall’s sound equipment or microphones, either of the screens or the staging at the Premises or wishes to have Bluetooth access the Hirer shall notify the Booking Secretary reasonably in advance of the hire period so that they can be provided with relevant instruction on their use. The Trustees would expect but do not guarantee any of the same will be in full working order during the hire period. The Hirer shall ensure that none of them shall be used unless such a notification shall have been given and then shall only be used as so instructed. The Hirer will ensure that at the end of the hire period any such equipment which can be switched off is turned off and is returned to their applicable storage locations.
4.Licences The Hirer shall make themselves aware of the relevant requirements well in advance and be responsible for obtaining all licences as may be legally required in connection with any activity during the hiring period, including relating to the selling of alcohol, playing music or showing or using of any material subject to any intellectual property right, such as films. The Hirer shall be responsible for compliance with the terms and conditions of all such licences. In the case of films, children shall be restricted from viewing age-restricted films according to the British Board of Film Classification recommendations. Requirements regarding Temporary Event Notices can be found on the Test Valley Borough Council website. A copy of all licences so required by the Hirer and issued and all refusals of applications shall be given to the Booking Secretary at least five days prior to the commencement of the hire period.
5.Public Safety The Hirer shall ensure compliance with all regulations or orders relating to any activity carried out during the hire period, including restrictions relating to maximum permitted persons (currently 120 seated persons), public dancing or music or other entertainment or stage plays; those made by any local authority, any licensing authority and the Premises’s risk assessment; and the preparation, storage, serving or selling of any food or otherwise and shall comply with all health and hygiene regulations, including appropriate refrigeration in compliance with food temperature regulations. The Hirer shall ensure that they are aware prior to the commencement of the hire period of action which should be taken in the event of fire, the location and use of fire equipment, escape routes and the need to keep access to them free from obstruction, the method of operation of escape doors and the location of the first aid box and defibrillator. The Hirer shall also ensure that all electrical and other appliances brought onto the Premises shall be safe, in good working order and complies comply with all applicable regulations, and areis used in a safe and compliant manner.
6.Indemnity The Hirer shall indemnify the Trustees for the cost of repair of any damage to any part of the Premises as a direct or indirect result of the use of the Premises during the hire period; the replacement cost of any contents destroyed, damaged or removed; any loss or cost relating to any third party claim relating to any activity in connection with the hire, any injury or loss of property or any breach of any of these conditions. The Hirer shall insure against any third party claim in connection with the use of the Premises during the hire period. (The Village Hall is insured against any claims arising out of its own negligence) All faults, destruction or damage shall be notified to the Booking Secretary no later than 48 hours following the end of the hire period. In addition, the Booking Secretary at their discretion may retain any of the booking deposit in the event of any breach of any of these conditions.
7.Accidents and Dangerous Occurrences The Hirer shall ensure that care is taken to avoid excessive consumption of alcohol and to ensure that no illegal drugs or highly flammable or combustible substances are brought onto the Premises. No additional heating appliances shall be brought onto or used on the Premises, The Hirer must report to the Booking Secretary all accidents and injuries during the hire period as soon as possible and details recorded in the Accident Book. Certain accidents and injuries must be reported to the local authority and the Booking Secretary will assist in completing the required report form.
8.Animals The Hirer shall ensure that no animals (including birds) except guide or certified assistance dogs are brought onto the Premises, other than as previously agreed in writing by the Booking Secretary. No such animals may enter the kitchen at any time.
9.Children and vulnerable persons The Hirer shall ensure that any activities involving children under eight years of age and other vulnerable persons comply with the provisions of the Childcare Act 2006 and the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006 (and any updates to and regulations made under either of them) to the extent applicable and that fit and proper persons participate in activities and have access to them.
10.Advertising The Hirer shall not carry out or permit fly posting or any unauthorised advertisement for any activity at the Premises during the hire period.
11.Sale of Goods The Hirer shall, if selling goods on the Premises, comply with all laws and any applicable code of practice in connection with such sales.
12.Cancellation While it will rarely occur, the right of the Trustees to refuse or cancel any booking for any hiring with or without notice is reserved, including in connection with any election where any of the Premises is to be used as a polling station, in which case the Hirer shall be entitled to a refund of any deposit already paid but there will be no other liability of the Village Hall or the Trustees for any consequential loss. If the Hirer gives notice to cancel a booking less than a month in advance of the hire period then a fee of £25 will be incurred (which may be waived for regular hirers at the Booking Secretary’s discretion) , if more than a month at the Booking Secretary’s discretion no such fee will be charged.
13.End of Hire The Hirer shall be responsible for leaving the Premises and surrounding area in a clean and tidy condition, properly locked and secured unless directed otherwise by the Booking Secretary and any equipment clean and replaced from where it was removed and all lights switched off. Table tops shall be wiped clean and then stacked together with chairs in the store room. All waste should be placed initially in the kitchen rubbish bags and removed by the Hirer from the Premises by the end of the hire period with those rubbish bags then disposed of in a responsible and legally permitted location.
14.Noise The Hirer shall ensure that the minimum of noise is made by Attendees on arrival and departure with outer doors otherwise closed. Noise levels shall be considerate to nearby residents, particularly later on at night. All activities must finish by midnight.
15.Smoking The Hirer shall ensure that smoking does not take place indoors at the Premises. Any person who breaches that condition shall be required to leave by the Hirer. The Hirer shall ensure that anyone wishing to smoke does so outside to the extent legally permitted and disposes of cigarette ends and matches in a tidy and responsible manner and so as not to cause a fire.
16.Footwear The Hirer shall ensure that footwear which could damage or mark the flooring, such as stiletto heels, are not worn inside the Premises without sufficient protectors.
17.Hanging of articles No articles are to be suspended or otherwise attached to the gantry and/or the stage or any other part of the Premises without prior written permission of the Booking Secretary.
18.Times for caterers and hiring companies The hiring is for the hire period booked and accepted by the Booking Secretary with the required booking deposit paid and all other pre-commencement of the hiring period conditions having been met. The Hirer must ensure that any items to be delivered are delivered and removed during the hire period and that each caterer or hiring company are aware of that hire period. Access before or after the hire period is not permitted. If the hire period needs to be extended the Hirer may make a request to the Booking Secretary who will seek to meet the request but it will be at their discretion and on the terms and conditions they specify.
19.Limitation of Liability While the Trustees are happy and would encourage feedback on the Hirer’s experience at the Premises, neither the Village Hall, the Trustees, the Booking Secretary nor any of the Chilbolton Parish Council or its officers will be liable for any loss, expense, injury or claim howsoever arising other than to the extent that liability cannot be excluded by law.
The Trustees are pleased that you have chosen to hire Chilbolton Village hall as your venue. They hope you have a good experience and that your event is a success.